Thursday, May 2, 2024

Why Does My Rabbit Smell Like Onions? (Easy Home Remedies)


A couple of months ago, my female rabbit suddenly began to smell bad and I couldn’t tolerate it. This has happened in the past with other rabbits but this time, it was too strong and smelled like body odor or onions. I was puzzled at this smell. After a lot of research and discussions with exotic vets, I happened to arrive at the exact reason. Did you know that I also fixed the issue?

So, why does my rabbit smell like onions? The smell like onion is from the scent gland implying the readiness to mate. As the rabbit matures, the scent gland opens up ejecting a strong, oily substance that smells weird.

Perhaps, you can fix it just like how I did. In this article, I am going to tell you how I fixed and answer other related queries so you have a dirty smell-free home.

How do I stop my rabbit from smelling bad?

The best way to stop your rabbit from smelling bad is to clean the scent gland. Other ways include cleaning the environment, combing the fur, and spaying/neutering.

If you have bigger rabbits, you should take extra measures.

Let’s look at how you can do each of the measures mentioned above in detail.

Clean the rabbit cage

clean rabbit cage

Rabbits have scent glands on their feet and around their anus. You need to be sure that these areas are kept clean or they will continue to smell. Once a week (or more, depending on how much time you have), thoroughly disinfect everything in the cage. You can use a pet-safe cleaner or even white vinegar mixed with water. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water and spray down all sides of each thing in the cage. After spraying it down, make sure everything gets wiped down and then allow it to air dry completely before replacing it in the cage—or you’ll end up spraying again!

Note. Remember to have the right lining in the cage so the caging material does not emit a different smell.

Make use of a litter box

According to Howcast, a litter box keeps a rabbit away from any sort of odor. Here’s how to set up a litter box.

  • Place a tray that can hold the size of your rabbit.
  • Place newspaper on the tray.
  • Above the newspaper, place adequate hay.

Now, your rabbit can sit and pee/poop on the tray, and all of them get absorbed by the hay. This is a do-it-yourself (DIY) method to stop your rabbit from smelling like an onion.

Note. Remember not to scent the litter box as it could be dangerous to your bunny.

Comb the fur

Rabbits’ scent glands are located on their rumps and under their tails, so if your bunny is leaving a pungent trail in his wake as he hops around, it’s time for a combing. Run a brush or comb through his fur once or twice daily—he may not cooperate at first, but he’ll eventually get used to it. The more you do it, the less often you’ll have to worry about the smell.

Spay/neuter your rabbit

Having read the article about controlling odors, it is highly recommended to spay/neuter rabbit as soon as he/she reaches the age of 6 months. This reduces any surgical complications and also keeps the musty smell away.

If you have multiple rabbits, here is an article that you should read – do rabbits need to be in pairs?

Clean the scent gland

One of the most common reasons a pet smells bad is because the scent gland hasn’t been cleaned properly. Rabbits have scent glands located on either side of their anus, as well as under their chin and on either side of their genitals. If you smell an unpleasant odor coming from your rabbit, it’s possible that these areas haven’t been kept clean or brushed regularly.

One way to prevent an unsavory smell is by making sure you brush these regions weekly with a damp towel.

Another option is to use a small, blunt toothbrush for scrubbing. You can also take your rabbit to your local veterinarian for assistance. He or she will be able to show you how to properly groom those delicate body parts if you are unsure how to do so yourself.

How often should I clean my rabbit’s cage?

Cleaning a rabbit’s cage once in 3 days (if you have only one rabbit) is the thumb rule to keep hygiene at its top. While rabbits are extremely clean animals, you may still have to clean their surroundings every day.

If you have multiple rabbits at home, you may have to do it more frequently. A ventilated area for rabbits will reduce retention of bad odor on their scent glands.

How to clean rabbit’s scent glands?

Before you begin cleaning the scent gland of your rabbit, you need 5 things –

  • A cotton round
  • A cotton swab
  • Towel (to hold your bunny)
  • A disposable cup with water
  • Gloves (if you do not want to wet your hands)

According to the tutorial by 101Rabbits, you need to do it with extreme care. Here are the steps.

  • Hold your rabbit in a vertical position with the back resting on your lap and face facing upwards.
  • On the bottom area surrounding rectum is the scent gland.
  • Catch your bunny gently (but not loosely) and you can spot a pocket-like region surrounding the rectum.

That is exactly the place that gets smelly and makes the bunny smell like onions.

  • Let your q-tip/cotton swap dip slightly in water and then gently clean the place.
  • Use a cotton round (dipped in water but completely squeezed) to clean the entire area.

You should ensure that your bunny is comfortable and not scared during this process. Otherwise, it can be risky and painful to the little one.

Tip. Remember to treat your bunny at the end of the cleaning process.

Why does my rabbit smell like urine?

The ammonia-tinged smell after urination is common during mating season and among males. This also happens if they are prone to an infectious environment or remain in an unhygienic hutch for long.

You should clean their hutch and allow them enough room for movement.

If the smell persists, you may have to check if the poop smells bad too. If so, it could indicate nutritional imbalance or stress and their diet will have to be changed instantly to avoid starch or fat, or sugar imbalances.

Note. Check if your rabbit has enough water.

Here is an article that says – if your rabbit is dehydrated or not.

How to get rid of rabbit urine smell?

How to get rid of rabbit urine smell

Controlling rabbit urine smell is feasible with regular changing of the litter box and proper lining of the litter box. Giving a white vinegar rinse to the litter box once a week is highly recommended to avoid leakage of urine or foul smell.

One of my friends had tried all the ideas to rectify this smell but miserably failed. This was because the rabbit was not neutered. She instantly booked an appointment with her exotic vet and neutered. The problem got solved.

This could be a great solution.

Why does rabbit pee smell like ammonia?

When the rabbit pee smells like ammonia, it can be due to uncleaned urine or high-protein food consumption. At some point, ammonia fumes eject bacteria that can repair the respiratory system of humans with rabbits excreting more nitrogen.

Remember to provide a balanced diet to your bunny and offer a clean and hygienic environment.

If things persist, you should rush to a vet before you also enter a state of risk.


Rabbits are highly clean but they smell like onions or their urine can discharge an ammonia odor that might frustrate our living at that place.

Imagine the plight of the little bunny in such instances. Irrespective of how many bunnies you have, maintain a hygienic environment, spay/neuter bunny, and maintain litter boxes so you can safeguard your bunny and yourself from such bad odors.

Sowmya Sankaran
Sowmya Sankaran
Sowmya Sankaran is crazy about animals and birds! An avid rescuer and rehabilitator of animals and birds, she uses PETSMOND to share her experiences in raising different creatures and paying attention to intricate aspects of their health. Know more about me -

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