How Long Can A Rabbit Live With Kidney Failure

How Long Can A Rabbit Live With Kidney Failure (Vet Answers)

Renal disease is one of the common diseases among rabbits. With changes in diets and lifestyles, the outbreak of kidney problems is high. According to veterinarians, older rabbits are prone to kidney failures, and younger ones cope with them. This led me to the question – how long can a rabbit live with kidney failure?…

which kind of sand is safe for hamsters

What Kind Of Sand Is Safe For Hamsters (Best To Worst Ranked)

If you are raising hamsters at home, it is important to know about their hygiene levels. When I recently visited my friend’s home, I happened to notice her combing the hamsters to clean their fur from fleas. I was appalled and introduced the idea of a sand bath to hamsters. While experienced hamster owners might…

can rabbits eat avocado

Can Rabbits Eat Avocados? (Shocking Research Reports)

Humans and rabbits have different body structures. Rabbits cannot and should not eat everything that humans eat. Perhaps, rabbits can crave certain smells and tastes. But as rabbit owners, we should stay extra cautious. If you have easy access to avocados at home, you may wonder – can rabbits eat avocados? Avocado contains persin that…