
When Do Parakeets Stop Laying Eggs? (Dos & Donts)

when do parakeets stop laying eggs

Maintaining parakeets at home during their mating times is extremely crucial. One of my parakeets either laid unfertilized eggs or never laid eggs. I was puzzled since the other parakeet happened to lay eggs regularly.

As I researched and also discussed with a lot of avian vets, I got the answer that I wanted to address the solution. Before I explain the do’s and don’ts involved in raising parakeets, I shall answer your question.

So, when do parakeets stop laying eggs? Parakeets stop laying eggs after 7 years of age and some parakeets stop even in 6 months based on their genetics, health, and fertility. Some parakeets lay even after 7 years but most of the eggs become unfertilized.

Now that you have got your answer, let’s get into what goes behind this process and what you should do as a bird owner.

Factors influencing parakeets to stop laying eggs


The age of the parakeet matters the most. Most parakeets stop laying eggs when they are about six months years old. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Some older parakeets will continue to lay eggs, and some younger parakeets may not start laying eggs until they are about one year old. So, the best answer to this question is: it depends.


The gene passes from mother to offspring. When the mother parakeet does not pass healthy genes to baby parakeets, these babies, as they grow, can experience genetic issues. As a result, some of them don’t lay eggs.


Just make sure that your bird has plenty of food and water, and that she is getting enough rest. In several cases, parakeets suffer from laying eggs and eventually stop because they don’t get the necessary nutrition.

Giving them supplements when they are running short of energy is the first thing you should do.


One of my friends, who is a bird owner, followed the cleaning routine once a month. When she observed that the female budgie never laid eggs, she rushed to an avian vet. She was surprised to note that the bird never received proper cleaning and the space has been untidy for long.

Make sure to clean her cage regularly, so that she stays healthy and happy.

When to take to a vet?

If you want to be sure that your parakeet is not still laying eggs, you can take her to a veterinarian for a check-up. The veterinarian will be able to tell you whether your bird is still laying eggs or not. If you have a parakeet who is still laying eggs, don’t worry – this is normal for some birds.

Also read – Do parakeets have taste buds?

At what age do parakeets lay eggs?

Parakeets lay eggs as early as 6 months of age and it goes on till 7-10 years depending on the health condition.

There are exceptions to this case.

The age varies depending on the individual bird. In general, though, parakeets will start laying eggs around 5 to 6 months of age. Some may start earlier or later than this range, but this is a good estimate for when most parakeets will begin producing eggs.

If you are looking to breed your parakeets, it is important to be aware of when they are likely to start laying eggs. This will help you prepare accordingly and make sure that they have the right environment and food available to them.

Note. It is also important to note that not all parakeets will lay eggs – some may never go through a reproductive cycle.

Do birds get too old to lay eggs?

The bird’s ability to lay eggs diminishes with age, but it is not necessarily true that they cannot lay eggs at all once they reach a certain age.

The reason why older birds tend to lay fewer eggs is that their reproductive systems decline with age. This can be due to a decrease in the number of viable eggs cells, problems with the ovaries or oviducts, or simply a decline in overall health.

That said, there are some bird species that can continue to lay eggs into their old age. For instance, chicks tend to lay eggs for more than five years provided they are well-nourished and have excellent genes.

In the case of budgies, the egg-laying process is never-ending until 10 years of age. It just differs from one bird to the other but it is true that the strength of the body to reproduce diminishes as time progresses.

Do you have older birds at your home?

You should read this section!

It is important to keep in mind that just because a bird can lay eggs past a certain age does not mean that those eggs will be healthy or viable. So, if you have an older bird that is still laying eggs, it is important to monitor those eggs closely and to dispose of any that do not hatch or appear to be non-viable.

Related – Why do parakeets have black spots on head?

How many times a year does a parakeet lay eggs?

A parakeet will typically lay eggs around once in 2-3 months. However, some may only lay eggs once or twice a year, while others may lay eggs more frequently. The number of times is closely linked to fertility level, external climates, and internal hygiene.

If you are concerned about how often your parakeet is laying eggs, be sure to speak with your veterinarian. They can help you determine if there is a problem and provide any necessary treatment. Additionally, if you are interested in breeding your parakeet, it is important to understand the reproductive cycle so that you can provide the optimal environment for success.

How to stop parakeets from laying eggs?

The best ways to stop parakeets from laying eggs are placing fake eggs, moving the nest box after a week, and separating males and females.

Although it can sound cruel to stop parakeets from laying eggs, a video mentions that the hatching process is exhaustive, and stopping it could save the parakeet at an early stage. There is also a chance for egg binding or oviductal prolapse to occur when they continue laying eggs for long.

Since I am not specific about breeding my rescued birds, I tend to follow several tips that have really worked.

There are a few precautions to keep in mind while you stop your bird from laying eggs.

Most importantly, closely supervise your bird.

How often do parakeets lay unfertilized eggs?

A healthy parakeet has a low probability of unfertilized eggs while an aged parakeet lays at least 30-50% unfertilized eggs each time. This is due to a number of factors, including the age of the parakeet, health condition, stress level, and the time of year.

In general, parakeets will lay eggs more frequently when they are younger. Once they reach maturity, they will lay eggs less often. Additionally, parakeets will typically lay more eggs in the spring and summer months than they will in the fall and winter.

Do parakeets lay eggs without a male?

Female parakeets can lay eggs without a male partner and this can simply mean an attempt to enhance fertility but those eggs don’t hatch and are rejected.

In an article on the reasoning behind producing unfertilized eggs in the absence of a male partner, it is evident that the female bird is sexually stimulated and is in dire need to produce eggs. This is a part of the hormonal imbalance experienced by the bird.

The major problem with this process is that it can result in chronic physical and mental issues since the parakeet can fall short of calcium.

It is important to provide the bird with a healthy diet. A diet that is high in protein and calcium is ideal for egg-laying birds. You should also make sure that your parakeet has a nesting box to lay her eggs in. If you do not want her to lay eggs, follow one of the approaches mentioned above.

Do parakeets lay eggs in captivity?

Parakeets can and do lay an average of 6 eggs in captivity in a maximum of 5 clutches based on the habitat they belong to. A pet parakeet hatches more eggs and in more clutches compared to a wild parakeet.

There are a few things you should know about parakeet egg laying if you’re hoping for your bird to start a family. First, not all parakeets will lay eggs. Some birds may never lay eggs, even if they are kept in a breeding environment. Others may start laying eggs as soon as they reach sexual maturity, which is usually around 6 months of age.

If your bird starts laying eggs, you will need to provide her with a suitable nesting environment. This can be a small, enclosed box filled with soft material like shredded paper or cloth. The nesting box should be placed in a quiet, dark place where the bird feels safe and comfortable.

Note. For the well-being of your bird, do not allow more than 2 clutches as it can be physically tiring and is not healthy in the long run.

How to tell if a parakeet is laying an egg?

There are several ways to tell if a parakeet is laying an egg.

Bird’s behavior

One way is to look at the bird’s behavior. If the bird is sitting on the bottom of the cage or acting differently than normal, she may be laying an egg.

The male might usually sit on the female and mate with wings flapping constantly.

Unusual bowel movement

Just before laying eggs, the parakeet might produce unusual bowel movements. This is another sign.

Interest in the nesting box

When your bird is excessively interested in moving inside the nesting box, it means that she is ready to lay an egg.


Another way to tell is by looking at the bird’s droppings. If there is an egg in the droppings, it will be white.

Enlarged stomach

You can also feel the bird’s stomach to see if it is enlarged. If it is, the bird may be laying an egg. Finally, you can listen to the sound of an egg breaking. If you hear something like that, the bird has probably laid an egg.

Can a parakeet die from laying eggs?

A parakeet can die from laying eggs thanks to egg binding and dystocia. A clutch a year is what you should plan for if you want offspring or it is better to let them live their lives without offspring.

Laying eggs is an extremely strenuous process for a bird, and if the bird is not in perfect health, it can die from the effort. Additionally, if the eggs are not fertile, they will not hatch, and the bird will have wasted all of her energy on something that resulted in no offspring.

For these reasons, it is important to provide a parakeet with plenty of food and water before she begins laying eggs and to make sure that the eggs are fertile. If you notice that your parakeet is having difficulty laying eggs, or if the eggs she lays are not viable, you should take her to a veterinarian immediately.

One other thing to keep in mind is that a parakeet who is always laying eggs may be suffering from a condition called egg binding. This occurs when the bird’s body is not able to pass the eggs, and it can be life-threatening. If you think your bird may be suffering from egg binding, take her to a veterinarian right away.

Remember, egg binding is serious and can affect muscles, calcium, vitamins, and mineral levels in the body.

When do parakeets lay eggs?

Spring and summer are two seasons when parakeets lay eggs and you can always stick to the time period of January – June since the number of clutches can get divided.


The egg-laying process of a bird, ideally a parakeet or a budgie, is often susceptible to several conditions including health conditions, stress, nutrition, and genetics. As a bird owner, I’d always recommend separating male and female parakeets at home for mutual peace. This will keep their bodies healthy and they can live longer.

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