Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Budgies Mimic Your Voice? (Surprising Facts)


I wake up to my budgie’s good morning voice at 6 AM. When I first got her home, I wasn’t aware of her ability to follow in the footsteps of her owners. As days passed, other budgies also began speaking certain words that I used commonly. This could be your situation too. So, can budgies mimic your voice?

Budgies contain syrinx and can mimic a voice due to their ability to decipher sounds based on cues. Budgies naturally develop the ability to observe and mimic sounds.

Let us look at what budgies are capable of. Based on my experiences and scientific findings, I have drafted this article to help fellow budgie owners like you.

When Do Budgies Mimic Voices?

When they feel comfortable and safe, they will try to imitate the sounds they hear around them including words spoken by people. So, if you frequently talk to your budgie, there is a good chance that it will start to mimic your voice.

It does not matter if you are a stranger. A research article highlights that budgies can mimic voices in captivity as well.

The syrinx of a budgie is located at the base of their trachea. This unusual vocal organ gives them the ability to produce two sets of sounds simultaneously.

The budgie can also control each side of the syrinx independently. This allows them to create a wide range of sounds, which is why they are considered good mimics.

If you are wondering which sound is mimicked perfectly, it could be the common terms you use to communicate with them.

Let us say you are saying “hello”, “good morning”, “bye”, “good night”, you can observe that your budgie mimics the sound which makes it hard to differentiate from the original sound.

The budgie may also start to sing along with you when it hears you hum or whistle a tune.

In another research article, budgies tend to differentiate /ba/-/wa/ easily. This phonetic differentiation ability is an indicator of the intellectual nature of budgies.

Do budgies recognize their owner’s voice?

Domesticated budgies can recognize their owner’s voice and appearance even after months. However, it gets difficult to recognize after years. Wild budgies do not get to know their owner.


Budgies can also be trained to some extent to follow commands and do tricks. However, they are not as intelligent as other pets like dogs or cats, and thus require more patience while training them. Nevertheless, with proper care and attention, budgies can make great pets.

Budgies get quickly attached to owners and closely observe every feature of them. Thanks to their social skills and memory, budgies enjoy interacting with their owners even after long periods.

Also read – Should I play budgie sounds for my budgie?

Do budgies repeat what you say?

Budgies can repeat what you say with proper training. They can repeat shorter syllables and recognize them.

In general, budgies mumble whenever you talk to them. This is an honest attempt to repeat what you say. But, if you are keen on training them, you need to follow the steps.

1)Start with simple words: The first step is to start with single-syllable words like hi, bye, and good. Say the word and then wait for the budgie to repeat it back to you. If it doesn’t happen, don’t worry. Just keep trying and eventually, your budgie will get it.

2)Make sure you have its attention: When you’re trying to get your budgie to repeat after you, make sure you have its attention. This means no distractions like other people or animals in the room, and that you’re speaking clearly and slowly.

3)Reward your budgie: Whenever your budgie repeats a word back, give him a toy to encourage this behavior. This could be anything from a small bell to a piece of paper.

4)Be patient: Learning to talk takes time, so don’t get discouraged if your budgie isn’t picking up words as quickly as you’d like. Just keep practicing and eventually, he’ll start talking up a storm!

5) Choose a time for practice: Set aside sometime each day to practice with your budgie. This could be first thing in the morning, or right before bed. Choose a time when you won’t be interrupted so that you can focus on your budgie.

6) One word at a time: Do not teach too many words to your budgie at a time. It can confuse him and lower his interest. Instead, let him master one word and then move to the next.

Related – Do budgies like to be touched?

Caution: Don’t show frustration when you are teaching your budgie to talk. Keep in mind that budgies are very good at reading human emotion. If you show frustration, your budgie will likely become frustrated as well and may not want to cooperate.

Do budgies understand what they say?

Budgies understand mono-syllables that they are used to. Otherwise, they lack the ability to understand everything they say.

DailyMail compares the understanding ability of a budgie to a 7-year-old child. As budgies’ intellectual abilities are rapidly growing, they can also understand abstract patterns as they get exposed.

So, if you keep on talking to your budgie, there are high chances that they will start understanding you.

Can parakeets mimic human voices?

Parakeets are intelligent creatures capable of mimicking human voices in less than a month of exposure. The Indian ring-necked parakeet is well-known for the ability to accurately mimic human voices.


These parakeets can even reproduce the intonation and accent of the person they are trying to imitate.

Other parakeet species, such as the budgerigar, also mimic human speech.

Parakeets contain syrinx that enables the ability to mimic voices and sounds.

The syrinx is located at the base of a parakeet’s trachea and allows parakeets to produce a wide range of sounds, including human speech.

Why do birds copy me?

Birds copy their owners out of affection and are naturally vocal. It can also be an attention-seeking tactic. They want to be close to their owners and feel comfortable around them.

Additionally, birds often learn to mimic words and sounds that they hear regularly. This is how they develop their own unique form of communication with their owner.

If you are raising birds at home, they are more likely to mimic your voices and behaviors. If you have more than one bird, they may also copy each other. This is how they develop their own social hierarchies and bonds within the flock.

Birds are intelligent creatures that are capable of forming strong emotional bonds with their owners. They learn to mimic words and sounds that they hear regularly as a way of communicating with their owner. This is how they gain acceptance within the domesticated environment.

What does it mean when a bird mimics you?

When a bird mimics you, it means he is vocal and likes to mimic mainly to build a bond with you. Also, it means that the bird trusts you and feels safe with you.

Birds are very social creatures, so building a bond with their human companions is very important to them. Mimicry is one way they can do this to be accepted and recognized.

In the wild, birds use mimicry as a way to communicate with others of their species. For example, some birds will use mimicry to warn others of predators in the area.

Mimicry can also be a way for birds to show off their vocal abilities. Some birds are better at mimicry than others, and they will often use it to impress potential mates.

Final Thoughts

Budgies are social and intelligent creatures that can closely observe your movements and sounds. Parakeets are no different. As you communicate regularly with them, their vocabulary can increase and get better. Follow all the steps mentioned here and your budgies can speak better than ever.

Sowmya Sankaran
Sowmya Sankaran
Sowmya Sankaran is crazy about animals and birds! An avid rescuer and rehabilitator of animals and birds, she uses PETSMOND to share her experiences in raising different creatures and paying attention to intricate aspects of their health. Know more about me -

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